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First Time Membership


We believe it is important to be a member of a local church and to make a commitment to be a part of a local body of believers. Sadly, many in our day and some denominations and churches no longer recognize a need for formal membership in a church. There are several excellent reasons why we are committed to people becoming members of a local church.

What To Expect At Our Membership Class

It is Biblical, and Christ “loved the church and gave himself up for her.”  (Eph. 5:25)


It is needed in a society where a lack of commitment to almost everything prevails.


It is needed to identify who can be counted on. Membership identifies who is in our First Family. (Every team has a roster of players, every school has a roll of those enrolled in their school, every business has a payroll, etc.) This helps to identify attendees from members.


It encourages spiritual growth. We need to be accountable to God and also to other believers.

We hope you will pray about becoming a member of First Family. Be assured we will never ask you to do more than what the Bible teaches.

How To Become A Member Of First Family

We would love to have you join us and link our arms together to reach our community with the Gospel and to serve our Lord Jesus Christ together. We try not to make it difficult to become a member.  If the Spirit is leading you to be a member of First Family, you are encouraged to speak with one of our pastors or to come forward at the end of our worship service and share this desire with a pastor. You will most likely be asked these questions:


  1. Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ and trusted him as your Savior?

  2. Have you been biblically baptized (by immersion)? If not, do you want to be baptized?

  3. Have you prayed about becoming a member, and do you sense God leading you to be a member of First Family?


If the answer is YES to all of these questions, then we will welcome you into the fellowship of First Family. We will introduce you and share your decision with the entire church at an appropriate time. We also encourage all New Members to attend the Connect 101 class when it is offered, if you can.


Sign up today!

 We are always overjoyed when people want to become a member of the local church, so please know you are welcomed! We look forward to meeting you.

We look forward to serving your family at FBCFH! Please feel free to contact us with any questions! God Bless you!

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