Children's Ministry
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
- Matthew 19:14
What To Expect At Our Children's Ministry
We have age-appropriate classes and activities for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. Trained volunteers and staff have submitted to criminal background checks and reference checks. At First Baptist Church of Fountain Hills, we believe in giving our youngest learners a hands-on approach to learning Scriptures. We want our children to feel welcome and to experience the true love of Jesus through worship, stories, crafts, and teacher-guided playtime. We want parents to know we value truth and understanding that is taught in a safe and secure environment.
The purpose of our Children's Ministry at First Baptist Church of Fountain Hills (FBCFH) is to lay a biblical foundation at an early age and continue it throughout the child's life to adulthood. As the foundation is laid, the goal is for each child to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord of their life.
Our mission is to partner with children's families to provide spiritual teaching for salvation in Jesus Christ for discipleship and evangelism. We carry out this mission by providing opportunities for children and their families to learn about God by using the Bible and fun, multi-sensory activities at the child's developmental level. We also desire to provide additional opportunities for families to serve God together as we walk along this journey of faith.
Throughout every ministry activity, we provide a safe, secure, friendly, and fun learning environment for ALL. Our volunteers and teachers have been trained in child protection and safety policies in addition to having been received a background checked. This comprehensive process supports our goal of having our children learn in a safe and supportive environment.
Each program and event provided for children is Bible-based and designed to help children learn about God and how to apply that knowledge to their daily lives. Each program is led by dedicated Christian teachers that realize that this responsibility is biblical and directed by God.
We look forward to serving your family at FBCFH! Please feel free to contact us with any questions! God Bless you!